Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Small obstacle for Nexus 4 White, but Google assures punctuality -

Into Apparently, the Nexus 4 White has suffered some problems in pre-orders with unexpected cancellations of orders, but Google has immediately denied.

Into Apparently, a number of overseas users who had flocked to the new book Nexus 4 White have unwittingly incur unexpected notification where their order was intercepted and pretty much stuck, as if the system itself would send back the request.

Into No one can yet explain the real reason for the anomaly, which seems to have no definite causes, but from what is said already within the web Google would already be aware of the problem and that it would be running for cover. As we know, the Nexus 4 White was presented a few days ago, May 28 to be precise, that announcement was then followed by the placing on the market of the smartphone through the Google Play Store a few days later.

Into From what we understand, unfortunately the 16 GB version, the most requested of Nexus 4 White is sold-out and the situation will be unlocked for at least a few days, while his version with half the memory still has a fairly open market. The real problem, however, remains the orders sent back to the sender, which, however Google will be absolutely assured that brought into port, with the delivery of Nexus 4 White to all those who were been so foresighted to pre-order.

Into Finally, as regards the famous cancellation message of which we spoke at the top of the article, Google has just liquidated their users saying to ignore it and not to lose hope because, sooner or later , all Nexus 4 White ordered will be delivered.

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