Friday, July 19, 2013

The new Nexus 7 II is shown in photos and videos! - AndroidLab

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Into From the network get a video and some pictures that the alleged ritrarrebbero Nexus 7 II , we say alleged because we must consider the possibility that this version is the definitive one, or more likely it would be a prototype.

Into The device that will keep both video in the various shots is labeled as the ME571K_PR1_SKU2 obviously still a product times from ASUS , and according to the source would be the new Nexus 7.

Into Right from the first picture we can see the new rear camera which will be produced by Chicony 5 megapixel camera, while on the front we find that produced by LITEONMOBILE 1.2 megapixel .

Into The N7 II will not come with Snapdragon processor 600 so far as the rumors have suggested, but rather will be equipped with the same processor as the Nexus 4, the APQ8064 Snapdragon S4 Pro; this could mean that will be marketed multiple versions with different hardware, or that this device is not the final version.

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Into As we said at the beginning this could be a prototype, in fact depending on the source of the Nexus 7 second generation adopt a truly excessive amount of RAM , 4GB well, now you have understood you, too, because of this claim.

Into On the lower part of the device we can see the two speakers for audio, lastly, the cuts of internal memory will be the same as always and obviously will not be expandable.

Into Recall that the price to spend on this device varies depending on the version you choose, and the price would be between $ 229 and the $ 269.

Image src= Into After these numerous information we came to the conclusion, we remind you that Google has for us in Serbia an event to be held on July 24, in which most likely will be presented with the Nexus 7 II and the new release of Android. Also this time it’s all to the next.

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