Thursday, May 23, 2013

HTC One "Nexus Edition": perhaps we will see him at the end of summer - Nexus Lab (Blog)

 HTC One

The real bombshell last Google I / O was certainly the presentation of Galaxy S4 Google Edition , which is the version Nexus of the South Korean top of the range, with updates managed by the same Big G and without interface customizations.

For now the only thing that does not make the Galaxy Nexus a true S4 GE is the price, given that the official will be well $ 649, and will initially be sold only in the United States and perhaps in a few other countries of the world, excluding Italy.

With the release of this device in the open immediately the doors were opened to the various speculations regarding the arrival of even a One HTC Google Edition , clamored for many users, especially by the great fans of the first HTC Nexus One , still regarded as one of the best smartphone ever, doing the right proportions with the period in which it was released.

HTC has denied the rumors imminent arrival of this version, but it has not eliminated altogether. Yesterday LlabTooFeR , well-known developer of ROM Maximus, said that soon we will see a HTC One without the sense, about in late summer.

This additional indirect confirmation does not come directly from HTC, so it may very well be an unfounded rumor, but the fact that he continues to speak makes us understand how the hope of seeing a few months HTC One Nexus is not yet completely ruled out.


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Tags: google android, htc one, android news, android smartphone
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