iPad Mini 2
Into According to the latest rumors, in fact, the next tablet will not be that strong competition from numerous other output devices, the first of the remake Nexus 7.2, very close to the characteristics, the product of Cupertino.
Into The price of the iPad 2 Mini can not, of course, be less than $ 249. The cost should be somewhere in Italy, on the contrary, around 300 euro. As compared to other Apple products, we are on a very different price range and lower, it is also true that Mountain View should ensure the purchase dl his new Nexus 7 to less than $ 200.
Into The difference with the iPad Mini 2 is truly remarkable if we consider, among other things, that the Google tablet will come, according to sources, by now, fairly credited with a respectable hardware or 2GB of RAM, a processor Qualcomm 800 and by default, the latest operating system Android 4.3.Into The cost difference should be explained so well as a passion for the Apple-branded, even with a mini iPad 2 is very different from its predecessor that Sbaragli all other tablet on the market. However, the imposition of a lower price for the next jewel made in Cupertino push quite a few newbies to choose the product of Tim Cook. And what you’re willing to pay for the next iPad Mini 2?
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