Friday, October 4, 2013

[Blog] Nexus 5: refuted the price of the last days -

Blog has posted a new item, 'Nexus 5: refuted the price of the last days -'

Into New rumors belie the price assumed in the last days for the Nexus 5, which is expected to cost about $ 300, which is half of the iPhone 5S.

Into One of the most interesting rumors in recent days on the Nexus 5 was definitely about its possible price, in one aspect the primary brand products Google that has always aims at a threshold of containment, although the specifications are always among the best in the industry.

As mentioned, there was talk of a possible price increase on the order of $ 100 compared to the agreed cost of the Nexus 4 at the time of launch, about 446 dollars, contradicted in the last hours, thanks to new details that seem to reassure the users concerned. The Nexus 5 fact should, in comparison with the place ‘ iPhone 5S , in particular it was said technical specifications will be able to match it, cost about half of the latter, ie not more than $ 300 , all in line with the trend shown by the giant Mountain Views in time.

Into Obviously there are concerns about the price, you should always take into account the cuts memory whose differences cause variations, relatively small and is therefore not very clear whether the speculated price may be reported to the Nexus 5 with maximum storage or for the basic version, surely the news comes, however, being able to define a positive threshold very low cost for one of the models that will dominate the smartphone market at least for the next year.

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Author: Ciro Celentano

Born in Naples, like many others, college student currently divided between many passions and the same obligations that little dotted with each other: the heart of sports, both inside and outside the camps, and head perfectionist. Joined the faculty of “Medicine and Surgery” at the Second University of Naples “CDL in Nursing”, I devote little time with a great passion, writing, and who knows .. maybe you’ll discover that this is my true path .

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