Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Updating Android News from sull'update for Nexus ... - The Blasting News

There is great anticipation for the release of ‘ update Android 4.3 Jelly Bean : The release date was determined by the well-informed on 12 July, but after several days of the expiry of quell’atteso appointment, have not yet arrived new.

Several rumors have shifted a little ‘later the happy event for all those who look forward to the update Android 4.3 Jelly Bean: Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile, one of the leading experts in the field, spoke of wait about to be fulfilled: the new release date is fixed by the second half of July 2013.

They smile all the owners of smartphones and tablet Nexus: in fact they will be the first to benefit from the ‘ update Android 4.3 Jelly Bean , although it is not clear whether it will be also available for Older devices.

Not only Nexus in any case: updating Jeally Bean Android 4.3 will be available later also for all other Android smartphones. Very likely that after the Nexus, the first in the list will be Samsung Galaxy S4 : it had happened with Samsung Galaxy S3 with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. From the rumors, also, the update will not be compatible with Samsung Galaxy S2.

According to report rumors, it will be the Samsung to debut with the first device launched with the ‘ update Android Jelly Bean 4.3: very likely that the new Samsung Galaxy phablet Note 3 will be the first to hit the market with the latest Android update.

will, of course, also the turn of HTC: One, the flagship product of HTC Corporation, will have its Android update 4.3 Jelly Bean although it is not yet clear the release date. The same goes for Sony and LG Electronics: Sony Xperia Z and LG Optimus Pro will have their version of the update.

The release date approaches, a few more days of waiting and users of Android devices will be able to know something more on ‘ update Android 4.3 Jelly Bean .

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