Saturday, September 7, 2013

[Blog] LG Asus Nexus Nexus 4 and 7, the lowest price with the best deals ... - The Blasting News

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Nexus Nexus 4 and 7 pi ?? low price LG Nexus 4 and Asus Nexus 7, the best deals

LG Nexus 4 and Asus Nexus 7 , more ?? low price with the best offers web: see for the smartphone LG and the Asus tablet powered by Google what are the best opportunities for a purchase at a reduced price at this time. Let’s start with the smartphone from LG home: the proposals are updated to September 7, 2013.

LG Nexus 4 at a low price, the best deals

Into The best offers for the LG Nexus 4 to low price allow you to purchase the smartphone at a cost of 319 euro more ?? shipping in the 8-gigabyte model with Warranty Europe. The Nexus 4 at the price more low ?? ? ? available according to our research on Sinapsy Store , which offers it with black color with EUR 6.90 shipping costs, and Techmania, he instead proposes Warranty with Europe 319 more ?? € 8.50 EUR shipping costs. Attention because ? ? in front of a few euro difference, in this case ? ? including also a cover in the offer.

Asus Nexus 7 on low price, the best deals

Into Let the offers for the Asus tablet Nexus 7 to Price Low: Unieuro the store puts it on sale at a cost of only € 159.90 more ?? 9.90 EUR shipping costs. But Marco Polo Shop , even a little, can do even better, offering the Asus Nexus 7 at a price of 160 € 7,49 € VAT included more ?? expenses Shipping, for a total of 167.49 euro. The two big Italian chains dedicated to electronics appear at the time able to provide the best deals ever for the beautiful tablet Google by LG.

TAG smartphones, tablets

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