Monday, September 30, 2013

[Blog] Nexus 5: new information on sensors and more rumors -

Blog has posted a new item, 'Nexus 5: new information on sensors and more rumors -'

new details emerge on the Nexus 5, code-named Hammerhead : In addition to the confirmations on the specifications, the focus of the blog focused on sensors integrated into the device.

Into In particular, according to the latest information, the next device will be equipped with Google:

  • Magnetometer
  • Gyroscope
  • Barometer
  • Game Rotation Vector
  • motion detector
  • Step detector
  • Into Another important information is about a new messaging program, Babel , and the app, found on the list of active services, will have a higher gear than Hangouts , also offering support for the management SMS and maybe chat-style Whatsapp . The blog finally shows proof that the Nexus 5 will support wireless charging . Needless to say that the model number is LG 820, which confirms, yet again, LG as a producer of next Google phone and the device in accordance with the model of LG G2 .

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