Wednesday, October 2, 2013

[Blog] Nexus 5 in late October, but at a higher price: iPhone 5S will equal - International Business Times Italy

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5 Into Nexus Nexus could cost more than 4 when it was sold last year. Anonymous sources close to Google , in fact, would TechRadar reported in the company’s desire to launch the new smartphone in the last week of October, at half the price of iPhone 5S, or 275 pounds (about 329 euro), although it is not specified the model under consideration. The reference to the last creature of Apple, however, is not limited to price, in fact, according to these rumors, the next device in collaboration with LG “will equal” top of the range Apple performance level, specifically speaks of “same specs” . One feature that, if confirmed, would not be surprising given the expertise of Big G in the optimization of hardware and software of the Nexus line.

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