Thursday, April 10, 2014

iPhone 4S, LG G2, Galaxy Nexus and S4 5: price and offers a nose dive - The Blasting News

more interesting offers for iPhone 4S , LG G2 , Samsung Galaxy S4 and Nexus 5 , offered at a price always dive and closer to the end of the average range. In this article we will focus on some of the smartphone with the best price on the market in relation to their quality, because they do not necessarily have to spend big bucks to get a nice device and responsive.

iPhone 4S, LG G2, Samsung Galaxy Nexus S4 and 5: the best discounts and great deals

iPhone 4S, Price : for the former top of the range, the offer at the best cost Neophoniastore comes from the online store that offers it in version 8 GB, black and guarantee Europe at 290 Euros plus 8 for shipping. Very interesting proposal RNdistribuzione, which has a catalog with 8 GB warranty and Italy to 289 € plus 10 shipping.

LG G2, Price for the top of range of LG is once again Neophoniastore to propose the best offer today: the white version, 16 GB, guarantee Europe at 335 Euros plus 8 for shipping. Alternatively Supertel on the site is available at a price of 349 Euros plus 8 for the costs of inspection.

Galaxy S4 Price : the offer at the best cost for what will be for a few days the top of the range Samsung, is proposed by Neophoniastore: S4 black, 16 GB, guarantee Europe at 330 Euros plus 8 for shipping. Also interesting is the range of Globalwork, which serves the South Korean device to 335 euro plus 10 for spedizone.

Nexus 5 price for your smartphone by Google offered to the Cost is one of the best web store GliStockisti, which offers the device in red or black, 16 GB, with a guarantee Europe to 299 € charges included. For the white version will need to rely on Neophoniastore: 319 EUR plus 8 for shipping, for a total of € 327.

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