Friday, April 12, 2013

HTC Nexus One vs 4: comparison between cameras - Everything Android

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Into After seeing a further comparison between the photographic camera of HTC One, Galaxy S4 and Xperia Z, we now see another photographic comparison between the photos taken by HTC One and Nexus 4 . We would like to point out that the comparison was made by ourselves with our Nexus 4 and a HTC One that we had the opportunity to try for a few days thanks to HTC.

Below you can see the full comparison concerns 34 images in total, which highlight the pictures taken with the two smartphones. We also remind you that HTC One has Ultrapixel 4-megapixel camera that makes it possible to capture images even in low light condition with an exceptional level of light. It is estimated that the sensor can capture 300% more light compared to conventional sensors, and this plays an important role in the dark as you can see on the pictures that we took for comparison.Into remember that all photos are uploaded on our profile Google+ accessible from the following link: Photo HTC Nexus One-4 .

IMAG0079  IMG_20130412_123400

IMAG0001  IMG_20130412_105236

IMAG0002  IMG_20130412_105135

IMAG0003  IMG_20130412_123911

IMAG0005  IMG_20130412_105359

IMAG0011  IMG_20130412_123410

IMAG0013  IMG_20130412_105433

IMAG0014  IMG_20130412_105012

IMAG0015  IMG_20130412_105549

IMAG0017  IMG_20130412_105644

IMAG0018  IMG_20130412_105648

IMAG0020  IMG_20130412_105752

IMAG0021  IMG_20130412_105804

IMAG0022  IMG_20130412_105844

IMAG0023  IMG_20130412_105926

IMAG0024  IMG_20130412_110100

IMAG0025  IMG_20130412_105707

Now you tell us!

Into Loading .. . Loading …

Into Joseph Iovene
Student in Electrical Engineering at the Second University of Naples. First Android device in 2010 (HTC Desire) on which I have written some guides. Terminals that I own: Stock Nexus One Android 2.3, LG Optimus Black (White) Android 4.0 Stock. Smartphones Now: Nexus 4 Stock. Special interests: formula1, smartphones and tablet computers.

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