Saturday, April 20, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 and iPhone 6, but 5 Nexus 2013 is not the year of ... -

Google Glass, Apple iWatch and other technological solutions to wear seem to attract the attention of the press. Samsung also at work on necklaces smart.

Pierluigi Emmulo 20/04/2013, 09:41 hours

Samsung Galaxy S4 is no doubt intended to be included within the smartphone players in the market in 2013 . Remote seems to be able to see on the shelves by the end of the year iPhone 6 , because most of the rumors suggested that you will have to wait until 2014. Before iPhone 6, therefore, Apple will launch iPhone 5S, in fact, a refresh of iPhone 5 . Other smart phone which should dominate the market is 5 Nexus, Nexus offer leading solutions waiting for the Google I / O 2013 to be held in May.

Into You might be right but not the smartphone to occupy the center stage in 2013. Because the lights seem to be the strongest bets on the so-called wearable technology. The reference is primarily to Google Glass and the smartwatch in the pipeline at Apple and Samsung . The attention given by the press to wearable technology is high.

Martin Bryant , Managing Editor at The Next Web , questions such as the impact that the glasses HUD (Head-Up Display) Google and wearable cameras Memoto will have on society. Stephanie Faris , member of The Motley Fool Blog Network , she wonders if she’s about to take off a new segment of the market, the fact of wearable technology. He cites the bracelets intelligent Nike + Fuelband about the products already available for sale, and Apple iWatch in reference to the news that will debut in the coming months.

Into Even the Google Glass are coming to be distributed in the consumer circuits. At the moment, only those who could join the program Explorer Edition is already wearing glasses for Augmented Reality applications developed in Mountain View. And the evidence seems to reward what is produced by Bigg.

Samsung , like Apple, is working on the creation of a smartwatch, a smart watch , probably based on Android . The confirmation comes from Donghoon Chang , Executive Vice President and Director of Design Strategy Team at Samsung Corporate Design Centre. In an interview with Wired Italy , Chang has also reported that Samsung is also developing smart necklaces and glasses .

  • Previous iPhone 5S and economic model: output in 2013 but late. Unconfirmed reports after visiting factories

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