Into In recent days, rumors have been increasingly focused on the next version of Android called Key Lime Pie and the new messaging service company in Mountain View called Google Babel . It was already a bit ‘I did not hear any voices on the upcoming Nexus smartphone, which if you look at the series should be called Nexus 5 . According to the latest rumors, the producer of the next Nexus smartphone should be once again LG, now taken almost for sure. What changes is its launch. It should no longer be pr esented at the upcoming Google I / O, but should follow the line of his predecessors, namely the presentation and launch in the autumn, at the end of the year. The Google I / O May should have as main topic the software, with just the presentation of Android Key Lime Pie, Google Babel and the various renovations of Google Apps, such as the now some new design the Play Store.It will probably be presented Into the successor to the Nexus 7 , as happened last year at the previous Google I / O. As hardware there should be more, not even the rumored X Phone from Motorola. The presentation of the Nexus at the end of five years does not stop some rumors about design, technical specifications and more. And ‘recently published a render of a concept the next Nexus 5, with a lot of the main technical specifications. We clarify immediately that this is pure fantasy and there is nothing official, so dream with caution. Into Some may also be practical, but for now we feed a lot of doubts about it. The image to which we refer the found below. Do not forget to tell us in the comments, if a Nexus 5 as the image would be to your liking or, if it were not so, please provide what you would like to see in the Nexus of your dreams. Street
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