Sunday, February 23, 2014

5 and HTC Google Nexus One price comparison and update ... - The Blasting News

Updates coming in these very significant day in the world of telephony. Many sites are in fact lowering their bids for the purchase of some popular models such as 5 and HTC Google Nexus One. Both devices are highly appreciated by Italian consumers given the excellent technical characteristics and price less higher than the top of the range smartphone Apple and Samsung.

Google Nexus 5, updated price .

falls on the threshold of EUR 349,00 proposed by the official store Playstore exceeded that sees its best offer for Google Nexus 5 in the model based 16 GB. Overtaking is achieved thanks to the site globalworkmobile . Com. The platform makes it immediately available in black version to the final price of 340,00 €. All those who seek instead the white phone, will have to pay a sum of 350,00 €. In both cases, the pieces are still many available and shipping costs are null only in case of withdrawal in Rome.

offer Playstore Google , however, remains fixed at EUR 349.00 + shipping for all three versions (white, black and red).

HTC One, updated price.

great anticipation for the arrival of new stocks in the warehouse eprice, the site that offers the phone at the price of 335.99 €. It is very good to the proposal relating to the HTC One Site techshops . It. Availability is both the black version of that is silver with a European guarantee and absence of any kind of additional cost for shipping the goods. Few euro higher offers neophoniastore . Com (405.00 EUR), phantomonline . En (€ 405.00).

5 and HTC Google Nexus One price comparison and update ... - The Blasting News

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