Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Nexus 5 receives the first port of Firefox OS - Everything Android

Nexus 5 is proving to be a worthy heir of its predecessor in terms of operating systems. Thanks to the work of an Italian developer known as ValoXis , in fact, the last Googlefonino now has the opportunity to also work with Firefox OS .

There are numerous caveats

being ported still very immature, do not work the camera, cellular network, WiFi and Bluetooth. In fact, the device is completely offline and there is no way to connect it, for now, but development seems to be going quite quickly and we may soon have a fully functioning ROM.

This is great news for all owners of the Nexus 5 , since it has one more chance to take advantage of this fantastic smartphone – and who is unhappy to have more options and more freedom ? On top of that, the ROM works with MultiROM , then you do not need to give up Android

Anyone want to try Firefox OS on your device does not have to do anything but follow the installation instructions on our forum.

Links | Firefox OS Installation Guide on Nexus 5


Nexus 5 receives the first port of Firefox OS - Everything Android

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