Friday, February 21, 2014

Google Nexus 5 and Nokia Lumia 520: the lowest price and occasions ... - The Blasting News

continue to be very competitive and very interesting Prices selling models LG smartphone Google Nexus 5 and Nokia Lumia 520 . The two models, thanks to the excellent quality / price ratio, and are highly sought after on the market.

Here are the best selling prices, promotions and buying opportunities of the two products.

LG Google Nexus 5, lowest price in February 2014

continue to be sent back to the new arrivals in stock and sites that until January had leadership with regard to the sale price of the Google Nexus 5.

Today it is still the store Playstore Google to offer the best deal, as the price has remained that of 349,00 € ( 16 GB model ). This figure will also be added the cost of shipping.

versions available that are colored red, white and black, but if in the first case we ship in just 2 days, for the other models is expected to wait about 3 weeks.

version 32 GB instead is sold at a cost of € 399.00.

Nokia Lumia 520, the lowest in February 2014 s confirmed as one of the sites at the most competitive in the phone market thanks to the excellent deals for the Nokia Lumia 520 smartphone.

The 8GB version is available today in all available colors: blue, yellow, red, black and white.

The selling price is € 109,00 and the warranty is kind of Italian. Also planned an expedition of 10,00 €.

Google Nexus 5 and Nokia Lumia 520: the lowest price and occasions ... - The Blasting News

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