Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Expansys Italy proposes to list the 8GB version of the Nexus 4 to ... - HDblog (Blog)

Into Nexus 4 8GB eXpansys

The 8GB version of the memory Nexus 4 is definitely not easy to find out from the Play Store. Although it is an interesting product, 8GB of memory are undoubtedly a few but someone could still interested saw the official price of 299 €. Now, however, comes Expansys Italy that, in addition to introducing the usual 16GB variant, opens pre-orders for the 8, at a price that we can see in the image below and equal to 329 €. Being a device of the Nexus family the opportunity to expand the memory via microSD is not present between the specifications, but considering the price and the hardware may still be a good buy.

For more information follow this address

Stories: LG nexus 4Nexus 4offerte

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