A few days later from the moment I started using it, I can express now a more complete and far more motivated than the new Nexus 5, the phone “official” Google with Pure Android experience.
Can I first say one thing: it is not the phone “final” . Given that the model probably longed for will never come, it must be said that this Nexus has behaviors that are light dose.
single aspect of the phone can give very different results of the evaluation: take for example the camera, which has results that are almost good in certain contexts and when used in certain situations, in others it has little more than modest results .
For example: if you take a picture in the dark, unless you have a moving subject or you do not have any part of the image that can move, the results are great, with blacks very well defined, captured colors with a good definition even in low light. If you take a photo in a typical situation from smartphones, perhaps with more people who are on the move, the result of make you want to throw the phone out the window. The time to really focus very long on results mediocre. It is a defect that can be corrected with a software update? It may be, but I would not rely too heavily.
Another controversial point is the audio , with some people reporting to the limit of the volume is not audible when using the loudspeaker. On this it takes something that the network often does not have the balance : You have perhaps seen in my test that the audio volume is great when listening to music, in fact it is less powerful when it is We now use the navigator or watching a video with YouTube.would be curious to figure out why Google has chosen with the audio system volume levels so low compared to that Google has assigned instead to play Music . At least there is the certainty that it is not a hardware defect, and certainly the custom rom will solve the problem with an adaptation of the volume in these situations.
It should be said, while acknowledging that the volume is not system amplified by high-fidelity , who says that not being able to hear what is being played on YouTube should run, not Monday, but today , to make a serious auditory control because I lying on the couch with YouTube on clearly hear everything.
Another element of doubt is the battery . I need a whole day in motion to understand what the real autonomy, because at first glance it seemed still great, but I have left some doubts about the effectiveness of the 2300 mAh battery. Even this, however, is always a very delicate topic to address because so much depends on the use you make of your device. I usually use the phone to call people, surf the Internet, read e-mail, send tweets and use social networks, I do not watch the Titanic four times in one day. Keep in mind that I have some days when my phone at the end of the day has a counter of some advanced now than the day before. With the use that I do have so far arrived in the evening but not with the ease that give me the G2 or the Galaxy notes. The G2 is overall thinner than the Nexus, because a battery so small?
short, light and shadow on a product which, however, has an undeniable value : specifications from top of the range for a reasonable price .
is also in good overall speed of the operating system, in the ease of use of the new Android 4.4 Kitkat which I honestly would have added some basic features, already known and developed in the custom rom that does not you will understand why they are ignored by google. I would have added the direct connection from the screen to block such messages and phone , I know that you can do with widgets but does not have the same immediacy.
Another thing that I’d have is the customization of quick toggles , as happens on other Android products. I really like the new dialer, that has some sort of intelligence so doing the research stands as the first results of the most sought after names and contacts you dial, as well as search for real-time information about landlines compounds . Probably for this type of service you have to try to use in countries with advanced online directories such as England and the United States because we still lack complete db.
I tried the wireless charging, it works fine: with Nokia products, albeit with some question mark to the fact that the phone warms up a bit ‘when it is on the basis of induction. Receiving the norm, neither good nor evil, I stress that does not mean bad, it means average.
Into the radio sector have only some doubts about the quality of data transmission , because sometimes it seems to me that the phone is as if you “enchant”. But it is just an impression that is not supported by certainty.
any of you with the phone you are using has encountered the same problem? What do I forget? Ask me and I will try to answer.Google Nexus 5 between light and shadow, but the value is undeniable - Bergamonews
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