The mobile operating system of reference 5 is the Nexus Android 4.4 KitKat, version Pure Google. In the future, aboard the new flagship smartphone the Nexus series could turn even iOS.
Marcello Tansini 28.11.2013, 09:30
Nexus 5 is the new smart cell’s flagship Nexus, manufactured by LG Electronics for Google . The successor of the Nexus 4 is characterized by the use of KitKat Android 4.4, the latest version of the mobile operating system made in Mountain View. In version Pure Google and with some features exclusively to its Nexus 5, foreclosed through official channels to the users of other Android smartphones and other units of the Nexus series. This is the case, for example, the new launcher Android 4.4 KitKat . One of the hackers of the jailbreaking community has managed to achieve a minimal variant of iOS , without the user interface of its mobile operating system developed by Apple , which can be installed on board of a non-Apple devices . It is winocm , geek too busy on the front of the jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3/6.1.4.
winocm has developed a porting of the basic elements of iOS , ie the XNU kernel, which is the foundation upon which Apple built before OSX and then iOS . These basic elements were installed on a Nokia N900, equipped with its mobile operating system Linux-based Maemo .porting does not allow to make use of the proper elements of the user interface of iOS allows you to use either a mobile operating system functional. It is precisely to be able to have at the time, only the basic elements of iOS .
Apple will not fire never iOS to make it available for other hardware manufacturers, except as inmprobabili sudden change of strategy. However, the work undertaken by winocm opens the door to the possibility of porting some elements of iOS on non-Apple hardware . It can not be excluded that in the future users of Nexus 5 can be put in a position to be able to use some of the elements of its iOS . related news last video news Telephony
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Nexus 7 with iOS 5 or Android 4.4 Kitkat. Thanks to hackers ... -
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