Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Nexus 5: small bug in the launcher Official | happened to you? - HDblog (Blog)

5 home nexus

The Nexus 5 introduced, thanks to Android 4.4, a new home through which to manage applications, widgets, folders and shortcuts. Although the general operation is not much different than the launcher Jelly Bean, the addition of the screens is totally different. The Home of the Nexus 5 adds new pages automatically when installing a program or adding a widget, there is not enough space in the pages already present. Potentially pages could be endless and then 5 more than the previous year’s distribution. Furthermore, when emptied a screen, this is eliminated automatically. So, in theory, you can not insert a blank page manually, but only by moving a link or Widget.

5 home nexus bugs

It may happen, however, that at times and in a fairly random, screen remains blank and active following the inclusion of a link or widget then removed. As you can see in the pictures, we found the little bug a few moments ago after a first time happened a week ago. It is a rare bug and definitely not important but still curious. To delete the blank page, the only way is to insert a link, then delete it.

The bug also seen in the status icons that mark the Home button + press as if it were possible to manually add a page which is obviously not possible without moving elements.

you ever?

Stories: 4.4launcher Android androidnexus 5
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Nexus 5: small bug in the launcher Official | happened to you? - HDblog (Blog)

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