Saturday, November 30, 2013

Nexus Nexus 4 and 5 are susceptible to attacks through SMS-flash ... - International Business Times Italy

Nexus 5 might be subject as a result of a security flaw, to a possible attack coming from the flash SMS . This bug affects the whole family Nexus, so not only the Nexus 5, was discovered by Bogdan Alecu , system administrator at the Dutch IT services company Levi9 and expert information security, which has taken steps to report it to Google . But precisely what is this bug? It inability of the Nexus properly handle the flash SMS , ie those which appear directly on the display without being saved on the device.

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Through this methodology it is possible to make a DoS attack ( Denial of Service) and send to mobile SMS-flash galore, causing, talking about practical consequences, slow operating system, reboot and loss of phone signal. 30 are in fact sufficient to cause multiple SMS blocking device and the next reboot. The bug affects all versions of Android 4.x firmware Google Galaxy Nexus, Nexus Nexus 4 and 5. Alecu presented bug in question at the DefCamp security conference in Bucharest, Romania.

Alecu claims to have contacted Google several times since discovering the flaw, but getting only automated responses. Someone from the Android Security Team responded in July to report that the problem would be fixed in Android 4.3, but it was not so. “We thank him for bringing to our attention any problem on which we are investigating,” said a Google representative via email.

Google was already then knew of this security flaw which was to be closed with Android 4.3, but unfortunately it is still in place. The security expert Bogdan Alecu has created an app-that-be downloaded from HERE limits the number of SMS that the phone can receive.

Basically we are dealing with a different risk than in previous reports, to be found in the sensitivity of the Nexus family of attacks against DOS style.

[Via: PCWorld]

Nexus Nexus 4 and 5 are susceptible to attacks through SMS-flash ... - International Business Times Italy

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