Saturday, May 11, 2013

Galaxy Nexus to 299 euro in the new flyer Saturn - Nexus Lab - Nexus Lab (Blog)

Galaxy Nexus to 299 euro in the new flyer Saturn

And ‘the new online flyer Saturn valid May 2 to 19 whose offers are practiced at all stores physical Saturn of our nation. As the main protagonist of this new flyer we have still great Galaxy Nexus , the third product from Google Phone Samsung in collaboration with the Mountain View giant.

The hardware of the Galaxy Nexus is certainly not comparable to that of the current top of the range, but it is without a doubt a device that can really ensure satisfactory performance under all points of view, and can enjoy the latest version of Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2 .

Most likely the smartphone in question will also be updated to much “rumoreggiata” Jelly Bean version 4.3 whose presentation is scheduled to Google I / O which opens the middle of this month.

Returning to mention the supply of Saturn, the Galaxy Nexus is offered to 299 € , and a slightly higher price than the bids a few months ago.

For more details please see the flyer at the following address, but we are curious to know if you think it’s still worth a buy Galaxy Nexus at this price or not? How many of you buy one?

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Tags: galaxy nexus, android news, android offers, Saturn, Android smartphone
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