Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Nexus Q does not appear at the Google I / O: is the end for the media player ... - Androidiani.com (Blog)

The Google I / O 2013 has not yet begun, but the network for some time we discuss the possible arguments that the Mountain View company during the conference will d ‘opening event. After the statements of Sundar Pichai of the day yesterday, some inside sources have told AllThingsD that the to Nexus Q will not make any appearance on the stage of the event.Into The device, for those who do not know, was the first social media player completely built by Google. These are, in other words, he was a player of streaming media thought to be the center of attention in your living room (for more information click here). Th e price, just because it was produced directly from the was about $ 300 , a perhaps excessive cost that led users not to buy it, indeed, in the course of January 2013 has even been withdrawn from sale . The official reason was that, in the first few months on the market, the company had collected all the feedback, with the promise that the new Nexus Q would have been better “in a short time.”

Into The general hypothesis was a new presentation at the Google I / O 2013, but sources within the company have confirmed to AllThingsD that Google has no intention of presenting it during the event . This really is the end for the Nexus Q

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