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Appears on the FCC website a new media player weblog Google: it could be the successor to the Nexus Q presented and abandoned last year.

 Google Nexus Q

Cristiano Ghidotti , May 20, 2013, 9:44

Into At Google I / O 2013 of last week were not made announcements regarding Nexus Q , the device introduced last year and a multimedia entertainment, gone on the market following the decision taken by the group of Mountain View to put the project on standby. It was discussed only when the new version of the app Play Music, we noted the disappearance of product support. The company could therefore have definitely abandoned.

Into The documentation signed FCC emerge, however, information about the new H840 Device , identified with the model H2G2-42 and due to their bigg. The company has asked the commission to maintain for the time reserved for images and technical specifications, but this has not prevented some detail of leaked. It has in fact become aware of the fact that during the test we used a Dell 24-inch monitor and the product needs to external power supply : the two indications confirm that this is not a smartphone or a tablet. It also has a WiFi module (a / b / g / n) for Internet connection and a USB port , probably dedicated to reading media files from an archive outside.

Into It is still too little to determine what are the plans of Google in this field. The team of engineers Moutain View, however, could have learned from the mistakes made in the past with Nexus Q , so the arrival of a new device with similar purposes can not be excluded. In this case, it would be almost certain to support the All Access, the new “radio 2.0″ presented by the search engine on stage at the Moscone Center, which comes into direct competition with reality as Spotify or Rdio for listening to streaming music with custom stations, generated based on users’ tastes.

Gallery: Google introduces the Nexus Q

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