Monday, May 13, 2013

Google I / O 2013: jump the new Nexus and Android 4.3 (Official) -

Into the Google I / O 2013 will not witness the presentation of new products, and even the announcement of new versions of Android. Here’s the official confirmation.

At Google I / O 2013 there will be, like last year, announcements about new products in the range Nexus or new versions of Android . This time it’s official.

To confirm it was Sundar Pinchai , the new head of the division Android Mountain View that Andy Rubin has succeeded in following his resignation. The statement was made during an interview with Wired magazine to Pinchai. Here is the statement:

Into The Google I / O will be different. Has not yet reached the time when we have many things to be launched as new products or a new operating system. For both operating systems, Android is that Chrome, we want to focus this I / O on a whole series of new things we are doing for developers, so that they can write [program =] better things. We will show how Google’s services are doing fantastic things about both of these two platforms.

Nexus 5 , Google Smartwatch and also the X Motorola Phone are now only a mirage. This year the focus will be on operating systems Android and Chrome OS , and especially to developers and development tools. Almost certainly, however, will be officially announced the new game center Android , and perhaps also Google Babel .

We just have to wait a couple of days and wait for the start of the conference to find out what Google in Serbia for us. Stay tuned for all the details!

source, via

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