Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Samsung Galaxy S4 'Nexus Edition' is a bad deal? -

Those of you who attended the first keynote Google I / O 2013 in the past week have had the opportunity to witness the debut of what is essentially a S4 Galaxy Nexus , or the new Galaxy S4 with heart Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean Stock , with no customizations manufacturer’s south- Korean. Initially there was a lot of enthusiasm, a lot of applause for the unlocked bootloader and stock Android (given that some users love the Galaxy smartphones but hate the TouchWiz), but we can consider the ‘purchase a real bargain?Into As we all know, the policy of Nexus smartphone Google is very simple and mostly successful, since we are talking about a device with excellent hardware and software up to date and pure-Android at a price of course content.

Into The enthusiasm for the new Samsung Galaxy S4 ‘Nexus Edition’ was immediately dampened by the introductory price of $ 649 (from 26 June). With unlocked bootloader and update always ready (managed by Bigg) the new GS4 Google is to all intents and purposes a Nexus Phone but not in price, maybe it would have been more constructive and successful offer it at a price more competitive.

Into During the official presentation of the new Galaxy S4 the South Korean manufacturer with a great show (not a simple event) has definitely focused more on the presentation of the new software introduced in the new TouchWiz on the hardware rather than the last generation.

Into a winning course, since many users have immediately loved the new top-range Samsung while not having a revolutionary design or technical specifications superior to rivals. Although all these features may be unnecessary and impractical in everyday use with the ‘Google edition you will lose all of that, everything that has helped make winning Samsung and family Galaxy .

Into It is assumed that users who buy from Play Store are looking for a smartphone with Android- experience as well so it is normal that inside we find the new GS4 ‘Nexus Edition’ but it would have been a more appropriate price cut to really differentiate the experience Google from the “full” Samsung .

Android is an open and free and therefore each producer shall can customize the software with a development cost that also rightly Samsung wants to regain through the sales of its products. But is it right to earn even when we speak of a AOSP GS4 , that without the work of the developers of the South Korean manufacturer?

In this case it seems that with the Galaxy S4 ‘Edition Nexus’ Samsung will gain thanks to their software since the fair price of the latter would have to be slightly superior to the best Nexus 4 on the Play Store . In a nutshell, to make a practical example, if I go to a pizzeria and order a pizza capricious (traditionally with tomato, mozzarella, parmesan, basil, mushrooms, artichokes, cooked ham, olives, oil) and ask you to not remove mushrooms and artichokes I expect that the price shown on the final bill is less, but if I order a pizza directly conceived without those two ingredients rightly I expect that the price is equal to or greater than the capricious. And this should be, in my opinion, the principle of GS4 ee the counterparty ‘Nexus Edition’ .

Into It seems that in this case Google has not had word about, apparently the pri ce seems to have been dictated by Samsung , in order to have another alternative less expensive than the real GS4 .

Into As we all know, the price of production of a top-range hardware like the GS4 slightly exceeds $ 200 so the rest of the money he does software development, licenses and all the rest. We are aware of a pay phone most of the real value, but also when you could have a lower price for clear and visible defects are willing to keep quiet?

Into Personally I think that, although this new Galaxy S4 ‘Nexus Edition’ will never happen in our country, there will be many users looking for the excellent idea of ?? Samsung and Google . I do not hide the fact that I also wish I could have a smartphone like, or a HTC One , Sony Xperia Z ‘Nexus Edition’ but only if at a reasonable price. I do not mean that Google and the producer should not have money, but having been conceived with a particular pricing policy I expect compared to a smartphone designed with the necessary customizations, and with the development costs , there must be a price difference.

Into The Nexus 4 has a lower price than the other party customized LG (Optimus G) and the same should be for Galaxy S4 and GS4 ‘Google Edition’ . If this does not happen to me will remain only a bad deal, if not for developers who might reap some benefits. I am in favor editions Nexus of our top-range, so that would spread the policy more Google and the ‘user-experience pure Android , and also we would have less fragmentation since the update to the latest release would be handled in a few days from Bigg.

Into What do you think?

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