Sunday, May 5, 2013

LG Optimus G2 or Nexus 5? On the web you will see a picture really ... -

Into The Next Google Phone could result from G2 Optimus, and a picture appears on the web that seems to shed light on the possible design of smartphones twins!

Thank Everleaks , an image appeared on the web is really interesting. It is a smartphone LG devoid of physical buttons and the design very similar to that of the family Nexus . The question protrudes spontaneous G2 Optimus or Nexus 5 ?

When it comes to smartphones Nexus , it is obvious that the hype and curiosity reach very high level. In the last hours in fact, thanks to Everleaks and its Facebook official, we could take a look at a new smartphone 5 “LG weblog, which definitely seems to remember the shapes and curves typical of Nexus with edges cut to the bone, no physical button and chrome frame.

lg-optimus-evleaks-630 How to Nexus 4 also derived from smartphone Optimus G , the future Nexus 5 should derive from the Asian giant’s flagship smartphone, that is, G2 Optimus, which suggests a device twins and therefore not too different from what we have observed above.

Although there is nothing official yet at 100%, you must remember to take this news with pliers, since from the personal point of view I see far more likely G2 Optimus as the protagonist of this shot, device intended to leave by the end of summer / early fall, a few months ahead of Nexus 5.

What do you think?


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