Friday, May 3, 2013

LG working on 5 and Google Nexus TV: fruitful meeting with the CEO? - International Business Times Italy

Into The negativity of the commercialization of Nexus 4 appear to have been overcome by the good hand made by LG in the family of devices targati Google . To suggest this is the will of Google , according to some sources, to actively pursue collaboration with the South Korean company and work together again for the realization of the next Nexus 5. A recent encounter between Larry Page , CEO of Big G, and Koo Bon-joo, CEO of LG, shows how the two companies are in the process of negotiation.

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Into “ Larry Page Koo invited for a meeting and stayed in Seoul last week. They talked about how to expand their partnership working. The meeting lasted for more of an hour, “a source tells the Korea Times. But it seems that the collaboration between the two companies does not stop exclusively to the smartphone. LG seems willing to work with Google to build a OLED TV, using part of its technology and its patents for a common product. “LG Google needs to continue its momentum in both the smartphones that on television,” said an anonymous source.

Into Therefore, despite a troubled start to distribute the Nexus 4, which will arrive in Italy in the next few weeks and at a price higher than what is sold on Google Play Device, the two companies appear determined to continue their partnership and cooperation that could lead to several news even outside the mobile industry. There is also talk of a television curved, similar to the one presented recently by the South Korean company.

Into It is currently still difficult to imagine how will the next Nexus smartphone. Given, however, as LG Optimus G has used as the basis aesthetics (and hardware) for the Nexus 4, many consider it possible that the next terminal I can be inspired G Optimus Pro and thus have a larger screen, between 5 and 5.5 inches. In April, a rumor had suggested the following hardware: from 5.2 inch Full HD screen, quad-core processor 2.3 GHz, 16/32/64 GB of internal memory, 3 GB of RAM and 16-megapixel camera.


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