Friday, January 31, 2014

Google Nexus 5 soon in red - Mobile Magazine

Stefano Cavallaro January 29, 2014

There is no two without three. Here, then, that after the black and white now comes the red . The new color of the Nexus 5 is ready to debut as evidenced by the photos disclosed on Twitter skazki user. It seems t verything ready sale box included, for the start of marketing.

Google adapts well to trend most recent (of which Nokia is the most prominent member) who wants to telephones in cheerful colors and lively, if nothing else as an alternative to the more classic black, silver and white.

If the date of start of sales appears next, it is not an the availability of all Google Store . At the time of this writing we do not know if in fact Android smartphone , which we recall is produced by the South Korean LG , will also be available on the store Italian Big G. We will keep you informed.

Google Nexus 5 soon in red - Mobile Magazine

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