Tuesday, December 17, 2013

5 Nexus and Nexus 4: Availability Google Play Store. Where to buy ... - WebMasterPoint.org


Both smartphones carry the signature of the South Korean manufacturer LG Electronics. Nexus 4 no longer appears on the shelf at the shop run by Google. Delivery of Nexus 5.

Andrea Galassi 12.16.2013, 19:02 hours

was November 13, 2012 when Nexus 4 debuted at Google Play Store in the markets of USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany, France and Spain. Overseas, Nexus 4 was proposed sale to list price $ 299 in the version with 8GB of internal memory and $ 349 in that 16GB . And it was August 27, 2013 when the amount requested for each version of Nexus 4 was cut to $ 100.

Nexus 4 is no longer available for purchase at Google Play Store from September 2013. Out of stock before the cut is finished 8GB, the same fate has befallen following the 16GB version.

take its place, October 31, 2013, was the new Nexus 5 on sale at the online store run by Google in Italy, the list price 349 € 16GB version and 399 € in that 32GB .

Nexus 4 has never reached the shelf of Google Play Store in Italy. The marketing of the same market tricolor began in July 2013, through the outlets of the leading names in retailers specialized in consumer electronics.

For the launch of the Nexus 4, LG Italy had set a price list 449 € . As a result, the figure was increased to EUR 399 . Today, at the online distribution channel MediaWorld, you can buy 4 16GB Nexus with a commitment of expenditure amounting to EUR 349 ?? . You can also save even more, thanks to the packaged deals from retailers that operate over the Internet.


MemTech.it, for example, 4 16GB Nexus (Guarantee Italy) is on sale at a price of 313 Euros , you must add 6 € for shipping, for a total of EUR 319 . The same model, still in warranty Italy, is proposed to 315 € at ElettronicaInOfferta.com, which calls for delivery 10 € . The total is therefore equal to € 325 .

Nexus Chapter 5. At the time of writing, are available for purchase at Google Play Store 16GB versions and 32GB with body color black , while those with depleted body color white . The units of 5 Nexus 16GB Black you order will leave the warehouse in 3-4 weeks , and parcels of 5 Nexus 32GB Black will be shipped later than December 20, 2013 .

delivery costs expected within Google Play Store for Nexus 5 amounted to € 9.90 . For the version with 16GB of internal memory, therefore, the total expenditure amounted to EUR 358.90 . You can keep in your pocket 9.90 EUR if you order Nexus 16GB 5 at the store gliStockisti.it, which offers units to guarantee Europe at a price of 349 Euros , including shipping costs .

shop gliStockisti.it therefore applies to the list price set by Google , with the benefit of not asking consumers at no cost to the delivery of Nexus 5. According to the editors of TuttoAndroid, the prices charged for online sales of Nexus 5 could fall and settle on 300 € about.

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5 Nexus and Nexus 4: Availability Google Play Store. Where to buy ... - WebMasterPoint.org

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