Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Nexus 5 vs Nexus 4: What Are The Differences? - Italy Android Blog

LG and Google , for two years now, they are accustomed to working together to churn the top of the Nexus range of the year. At the Nexus 4, a few months ago, was succeeded by Nexus 5. Samo able to try together for a few hours though the two devices and we have to say that the work done by the two manufacturers can be seen, especially for some “weak points” where the Nexus 4 left a lot to be desired. Nexus 5 vs Nexus 4: who will win?

Design and Materials

IMG 20131223 223726 600x450 5 vs Nexus Nexus 4: What Are The Differences? Smartphone Reviews nexus nexus 4 5 lg nexus google android comparison

Leaving aside the technical details of the of the two devices that will surely know well, we can immediately go to analyze the similarities and differences they present. Starting immediately by side on the design the two smartphones if they fight hard, though, said in all sincerity, here comes into play a subjective criterion to judge the appearance of the two devices.

Nexus 5 , starting from the rear, offers a completely plastic shell with a camera “elevated”, unlike the Nexus 4 that has a camera “internal “to the body and with no relief. The back cover of the former top of the range Nexus , however, is made entirely of glass which gives a greater yes elegance and beauty , but increases also the risk of rupture (and the eventual repair is also very “salt” in terms of price).


IMG 20131223 223551 600x450 5 vs Nexus Nexus 4: What Are The Differences? Smartphone Reviews nexus nexus 4 5 lg nexus google android comparison

side performance, however, does not differ much in the two devices: despite CPU mounted are different, in everyday experience is similar in terms of speed and responsiveness of the system, therefore a transition from Nexus Nexus 4 to 5 would definitely senseless (at least from this point of view).

difference that we noticed, using both devices with Dalvik (and ART), are mainly in the opening speed of the app: Nexus 5 , in fact, seems be faster of a few milliseconds, sometimes imperceptible, compared to Nexus 4 that, after more than a year after the presentation to the general public, still manages to deliver a really excellent.


IMG 20131223 223653 600x450 5 vs Nexus Nexus 4: What Are The Differences? Smartphone Reviews nexus nexus 4 5 lg nexus google android comparison

What really amazed us, then, is the part relative to the camera: we knew that Google had done a good job (not in general, but compared to Nexus of last generation), but we never expected of such differences in the shots. Without using HDR + , the new exclusive feature brought by Google 5 on the Nexus, the current top of the range carpet has completely its predecessor.

We made some shots at the “flight” because, as we have already said, we could try together these two devices only for a few hours: however, below is a comparison of photographs taken by the two smartphones, seeing is believing .


Another point in favor of the new Nexus home Google is without a doubt the display from the first day the Nexus 4 disappointed many users who purchased it precisely to the specifications of the screen that appeared under tone in many situations, although the brightness was fired to the maximum. Beyond this, however, the Nexus 4 does not represent a white very clear and blacks deep (on this aspect the nexus 5 behaves the same way), which however, seem to have been “corrected” in the display of the Nexus 5 that beat, almost perfection.


A point in favor of Nexus 4 , however, the speaker is marked: from the first day in which it was sold, in fact, Nexus 5 suffered (and still suffers) of some problems related to the placement of the speaker (in the video is reported incorrectly, the speaker is placed at the bottom of the device, while this is only the front earpiece for calls).


in new rev Google seems to have solved this problem with the speaker, even though our device is not part of the last left the Play Store .


In principle, if you were to make a transition from Nexus Nexus 4 to 5 the differences you might notice, especially if you are not connoisseurs, there are many: however, in the event that the camera was one of the main aspects that interest you, once you sell your Nexus 4 and spent the last smartphone by Google .

Beyond what they are, instead, performance, a passage from Nexus Nexus 4 to 5 would be almost unjustified as the two processors differ slightly and in daily use, if not in some heavier application, the experience is the same.

If, however, you’re about to buy a smartphone and want to choose between these two, the price factor comes into play: Nexus 4 is located online at about 259 € new, while Nexus 5 on Play Store is sold at € 349 (16GB) and € 399 (32GB) . One of our personal advice from owners of Nexus 4 is to buy the latest one, as it gets closer, in our opinion, to perfection and all the “flaws” of the previous model seem to have been corrected by Google. Then, at this price, you can buy something better?

Nexus 5 vs Nexus 4: What Are The Differences? - Italy Android Blog

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