Monday, December 23, 2013

Google Nexus 5: A sporty race without too many frills - Ridble

performance and speed can make us forget some “essential” aspects of a modern smartphone? Nexus 5 is proof of the “living” of how this can be possible

start this review by saying that I personally never had direct contact with a product Nexus . I got to know from time to time and try the various components of this particular family, but I had never owned one for so long. Without this premise, I decided to take the plunge and try out the latest in home Google, Nexus 5 .

A terminal that already for the final price seems to be interesting, especially by virtue of the excellent performance that accompany this family of devices. That said, I tried not to think too much about the price and judge it for what it really is: a real top of the range.

After a short break due, here is the result of my test.

Data Sheet

Processor 2.3 Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon 800
Storege 16/32 GB non-expandable
Modem DC-HSDPA, 42 Mbps HSDPA, 21 Mbps, HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps, LTE, Cat4, 50 Mbps UL, 150 Mbps DL, WiFi 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac
Battery 2300 mAh
Camera Posts: 8 megapixel camera with LED flash and stabilizer, Front: 1.3 Megapixel
Display 4.95 “TRUE HD IPS + with a resolution of 1920 x1080 at 445 ppi, front glass Gorilla Glass 3
Connectivity BlueTooth 4.0, NFC, microUSB 2.0
Software Android 4.4.2 KitKat
Size and Weight 137.9 x 69.2 x 8.6 mm, 130 grams

Design and materials: essential and edgy

nexus 5

Having chosen the white version I have now given up the rear matte finish, this is because, having seen some model black version, it seemed to me that the same get dirty too easily , so I preferred to avoid . I would start by telling you that the appearance of the Nexus 5 White is really nice, although I personally think that both Google and LG (a company that also manufactures the device in this case) do not have wanted to dare too much from the aesthetic point of view. The generational leap compared to the “mythical” Nexus 4 is more than obvious, and in this case could be wrapped up in one word: austerity.

Mind you, the Nexus 5 is not bad, but honestly the previous version used materials certainly far more noble, though not for all parts of the device. Do you remember the back cover glass of the previous model? This is gone, better to focus on the dear old plastic. Aesthetically everything seems ordered , perhaps too much. At first it seems to have in my hands an LG G2 sauce economic, but the comparison with the top of the range home LG is definitely out of place . The Nexus 5 has a strong personality , a personality of its own which itself contains the secret of the success of this device. Front of the display dominates the black, interrupted only by the white grille typical of this release. Of course there are also the various sensors and the front camera, with an LED notification placed in the lower area. No physical key in the front area.

The right side portion is characterized by glossy plastic frame, punctuated by the SIM compartment and the reset button / power. The frame left side hosts the volume rocker classic. Little “gem” of Google for these keys: all those present on the device are ceramic , although I personally think that the touch can give some small annoyance. Turn out to be almost the same sharp , and definitely too sharp. Returning to the side frame instead, I can tell you that the lower part houses the various audio outputs and the input for the MicroUSB cable. In the front we find the headphone jack and a small hole for the microphone. Everything smooth and orderly from an ergonomic standpoint, perhaps a little too much.

The feeling is the same that I have mentioned previously, it seems that everything is limited to the mere holding of a “homework” without going over. Also worth mentioning is the net plus “cut” between the display and the frame side, a cut that is highlighted with a step to the touch is slightly annoying, but you learn to appreciate after a few days. Gone the chrome frame of the previous model, a choice that I personally consider myself guessed and that helps to give personality to this Nexus.

Later we find the white cover with the various logos Nexus and LG. The same does not disturb too much the appearance of the terminal and succeeded in the difficult task of identifying the same without causing too annoying. Unlike the logos, the rear camera stands too much, especially with regard to the size of the optics. Again I would have preferred a slightly beveled edge. The rear portion is completed with a small LED flash that is positioned just below the camera.


adequate quality materials. The same result be guessed and responsive product category, although as you may have guessed, lack of finishes more reasonable that they greatly improved the final judgment.

Display: beautiful but with some limitations

Nexus 5

At first glance I was impressed by this display , although by the time I got to change my mind. At the hardware level we are talking about a 4.95 “FullHD with IPS technology can provide interesting performances even if not of the highest level. The color fidelity is quite good, as are details that seem to always truthful. What I was not too convinced it was the brightness that, although quite high, it seems slightly uneven . In some situations, light some areas seem much more enlightened than others, even if we talk about borderline cases that not all users may grasp immediately. Same thing for the angle of view, is not always able to adapt to all conditions of use.

Starting with these requirements, we may think of a rejection without appeals , which is actually not true (or at least not completely) because overall we are faced with a good display, especially when viewed under the direct sunlight. Every day you do not have too many problems, all the features of a modern smartphone are held so dear. At the beginning I was talking about the color fidelity, coming from a display like the one in Note 3 I expected to have some trouble with the blacks, what partly confirmed, but personally I found it annoying not much . Indeed, blacks and whites are not top notch, but things are much better with the other colors. The warm colors are returned in a sublime , like cold ones that perhaps are the ones I loved most.

really good definition, thanks to 445 ppi that comes with this interesting panel. All the details are to be complete and strongly defined, giving to all the devices that extra edge over the competition. Overall I can say I felt a kind of feeling of love / hate for this display … Something does not convince me fully but I would not judge him negatively . Certainly more could be done.

Battery: do not ask too

Now we come to one of the most interesting aspects of a device during the test. The battery life is definitely a key factor in the choice of a modern smartphone, although now it has reached a certain standard that it is difficult to overcome. The module 2300 mAh on board this Nexus 5 tries to do their job diligently, which is not always fully succeed. After the usual charge cycles I started using the terminal taking my Canons three user profiles .

With all the “optional” active Nexus 5 difficult to get to the end of the day, marking a sudden drop after a few minutes of use. If you use a lot of social networks and instant messaging app, your terminal must be recharged before dinner. Something different if you are willing to limit the brightness of the device, maybe giving up Wi-Fi always on and not taking advantage of the internet too. In this case our Nexus arrives safely at the end of the day , but of course you have to accept the compromise.

Personally, I like

had the impression of being at the wheel of a car that at 120 km / h on the motorway consumes relatively little, but that in the push on the accelerator increases its consumption dramatically. I should point out that things have improved slightly after upgrading to 4.4.2 , perhaps also because of a more intelligent use of system resources.

Camera: the eternal undecided

‘s start by saying that with 4.4.2 things on the side photo seem slightly improved, but still we are not at stratospheric levels. As you well understand, the quality of the shots is not the greatest prerogative of this Nexus 5. The hardware on board is not bad, even by virtue of the presence of the optical image stabilizer and an 8-megapixel sensor . Unfortunately, the figures and the words are not everything, and never as in this case, are not synonymous with excellent performance. The shots are not bad, and say that if your needs are not high you should not encounter any problems. Unlike the other hand, you might not be particularly satisfied.

Specifically shots appear higher than those of its predecessor, particularly with favorable light conditions. The colors and details are captured expertly . The curious thing is that you do not always get these results, and that a number of factors unknown to me the photo quality increases dramatically for no apparent reason. I admit to not being an expert in photography, but it is as if the result depended much on the processing software that the quality optics at our disposal.

Good shutter speed, finally a notch higher than other terminals on the market. The facility also great hardware processing HDR software in the shots, just turn at speed.

Pleasant also the software the app camera, though not exactly intuitive. The timing of focus are acceptable and even in this case there are no special delays that deserve to be mentioned. On point and shoot The Nexus 5 is able to have its say, especially for the user who has no special technical knowledge and relies fully automatic mode. The LED flash makes things easier in the night shots, although inevitably these are not the best ever. Surely, however, in low light, the pictures are greatly improved compared to the previous model.

Consequently, even filming video modeled on the results obtained in the field of photography, with the unfailing support 1080p resolution . Even the videos are not bad, especially if viewed directly on the terminal display. The real limitations emerge when viewing the movie on display of more generous proportions, where the loss of detail is inevitably greater. During the acquisition of the clip optical stabilizer play a fundamental role, and who does not have a particularly strong hand like me manages to capture content in a way quite interesting.

Software and performance: horse racing

Finally we reached the aspect that most impressed me of this terminal. While Google has preferred to save money, certainly not “made to look in the face” when he chose the heart of this terminal . The excellent internal hardware and pure Android on board offer compelling performance, and somewhat crazy . During my testing I finally understood the philosophy of the purists of the Android world, a world that is not made of useless apps, customizations unpleasant and sometimes even approximate, a world that is willing to waive some little while of being in the hands a product always ready and never uncertain .

right, from the profane world of Nexus, this is what struck me above all else. In some ways I found this philosophy almost close to that of Apple’s bitter enemy, but one that could be mistaken for blasphemy is actually a consideration not without foundation . At the ready and via the Nexus, I immediately felt responsive, either by opening Chrome using other app stocks. No uncertainty by scrolling through the app drawer, a flash of movement that I had never seen on any Android device. A feast for the eyes but also a great feedback regarding the use of every day. Using the Nexus is really nice , a factor that shows more when you take up another Android device, even if this were to be a “pompatissimo” Note 3. Overall, I seemed to find a personalization more serious and tidy on the previous Nexus 4, although there remains some small burr that will necessarily be correct over the months.

To return once again to the comparison with the world of cars, the Nexus 5 reminds a lot those cars were born for the track but also produced in the road version. Auto born to not compromise and require owners who do not mind a “detour” on the track from time to time. The Nexus 5 is like them, born for racing but into the pockets of many users. A fundamental part of this wonderful product is the newest version of Android, with small but precious pearls that hardly leave you indifferent. One out of all the lack of an app messages. Needless to look for it, does not exist. Now to send an SMS (you still use them?) Simply open Hangouts and do it all over them. Another peculiarity and the integration of Google Now directly in the Home, a possibility that I liked a lot and that has led me to use it more. Worthy of mention also the new interface to your mail client, now more similar to the graphical Gmail.

Audio and video: these things do not affect us

Despite my terminal was one of those subjected to new revision , I can say that the audio portion of this device I was not particularly impressed. Let’s be clear, I’m not saying it’s bad regardless, but honestly I think the combination format from Google and LG could do something more. The audio output is also placed in an intelligent manner , integrating perfectly with the terminal device, but unfortunately the performance is far below average .

The volume is not too high and the sound quality is not great. If you use your smartphone to listen to music or view videos of different types, perhaps you would do better to focus your attention elsewhere. To note with regret that during the playback of audio files particularly “lively”, the terminal emits an annoying vibration that leaves a sense of poor build quality.

Fund Phone: signal present

Very good reception in all areas of employment, with peaks of excellence for indoor environments, places where other devices that I have tested have shown some limitations too. Generally I never had any problems with the field, even changing repeatedly SIM card and then telephone operator. Also surprising speed switch between the different networks. Standing in areas particularly prone to repeated changes in the network, our Nexus has always behaved very well , maintaining the network more powerful, until the last “cleat.”

No problem regarding the audio call. This, in contrast to what previously said, is sharp and sufficiently high . Even our voice comes loud and clear to our partners, containing more than admirably disorders of external noise.

Final conclusions

Luke Gramiccia

At the end of review I would give some more information for those who have had the perseverance to read to the end. As you may have noticed, I have never spared of the criticisms to this end that I have got to try. I could justify some aspects that are not particularly convincing referring to the selling price decidedly low than the competition, but I wanted to set this review in an alternative way. I have started from the assumption that the Nexus 5 is a real top of the range, without paying much attention to stay at the sale price and trade policy of Google.

precisely why I did not like some details, both software and hardware, coming to the conclusion that perhaps the selling price is more a liability than a real benefit . Of course, Google has always had the merit of giving even to those who have a high potential economic benefits from a smartphone very interesting, but I think even those who would have preferred to pay anything extra, and get a better camera or an audio sector noteworthy .

  • crazy Performance
  • Nexus appeal
  • Sale Price
  • definition display
  • camera uncertain behavior
  • Fund audio
  • Autonomy does not

  • high

Aside from this aspect I can tell you that, contrary to what may seem, Nexus 5 has opened a small gap in my heart, being able to leverage my emotional aspect. Nexus 5 is a triumph of performance and speed , just like a sporting breed that willingly renounces the leather trim and dashboard, in favor of an engine always ready. That’s right, Google is a terminal device for those who do not like compromises, for those who do not need a lot of frills and mind more to the substance. A terminal “proletarian” developed for the masses? Maybe, but not in the pejorative sense of the term, and certainly must know how to “dominate” to get the best.

Last note for the sale price . Surely the same may seem tempting, though personally recommend to focus on the rights 32GB version (like the one I got to try). The non-memory expandability strongly penalizes the 16 GB version. To purchase the terminal and find the cheapest price we invite you to use the service Kelkoo accessible through the



Google Nexus 5: A sporty race without too many frills - Ridble

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