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First concrete evidence on the arrival of Android 4.4.1 KitKat, platform upgrade initially destined to the Nexus line of smartphones and tablets.

 Android 4.4 KitKat

Christian Ghidotti , December 3, 2013, 18:12

Android 4.4 KitKat was officially launched in late October, making its appearance in official statistics related to the fragmentation of the operating system only today. Apparently the group of Mountain View, however, is already working on a new update, a “minor update” that will bring the platform to version 4.4.1 . The first concrete evidence comes from the editors of the site 9to5Google, more precisely from the logs of access to servers that are registered with Analytics.

As clearly visible from the attached below, were detected accesses to devices with an OS identified as 4.1.1: Nexus 4, Nexus and Nexus 5 7 . There are also two visits with an unknown device, most likely the Nexus tablet 10 . Country of origin is Santa Clara (California). In short, everything points to the tests conducted in the laboratories of bigg, with the aim to test the new code before kick off the release of the package. At the moment it is impossible to determine when work will begin distribution: it is possible to happen by the end of the year, in the case of serious bugs or security issues to be resolved in a timely manner.

The first traces of Android 4.4.1 KitKat, unearthed in the logs of Google Analytics

The first traces of Android 4.4.1 KitKat, unearthed in the logs of Google Analytics (image: 9to5Google).

Who follows from the time evolution of the Android world will remember the bizarre error included in the release last year 4.2 Jelly Bean , which effectively eliminated the month of December, in the Contacts application. At the time I ran for cover in a few days by publishing an update for just solve the problem, bringing the platform to version 4.2.1.


look more forward, last week we started to talk about the “The release” , which almost certainly will not come until next spring. Daydream mode were spotted what could be the concrete evidence on the name chosen for the version 5.0 the operating system: between hypotheses also Loaker.

Warehouse: Android 4.4 KitKat, screenshots of the latest news

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KitKat incoming Android 4.4.1 on Nexus? - WebNews