Saturday, December 21, 2013

FitBit From Today And Working With Motorola Nexus - Italy Android Blog

devices Fitbit are some of the best products available in terms of fitness but, unfortunately, its applications have not always been at the top for everything related to Android smartphones .

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With the latest update to the situation has improved significantly. This is because Fitbit , from today, will also support the latest Android devices marketed as 5 Nexus, Droid Ultra Maxx Droid and Droid Mini and Motorola Moto X .

What made it possible to upgrade was the introduction of support for Bluetooth Low Energy (at low energy). The Fitbit tracker usually use the BLE technology for synchronization with mobile devices, but unlike Apple who implemented right from BLE ‘ iPhone 4s , Android smartphones , for the most part, have not been able to take advantage of this technology. Up to now only a few Android devices have worked with Fitbit products, including the latest two generations of smartphones Samsung Galaxy S.

Although Google has added support for Bluetooth Low Energy smartphone with Android 4.3 earlier this year, the app will stop automatically and also quickly consumes the battery of the device.

If you own one of the smartphones that support Bluetooth Low Energy (like the Samsung Galaxy Nexus or 5), and you have the passion for the sport, you can not help but buy a device Fitbit and download the app from P lay store .

 FitBit From Today And Working With Motorola Nexus news samsung galaxy nexus Fitbit Android

FitBit From Today And Working With Motorola Nexus news samsung galaxy nexus Fitbit Android

Download @
Google Play

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